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Cancelling your student travel product?

  • I accidentally cancelled my student travel product. What should I do?

    Cancelling the student travel product is irretrievable. Did you accidentally cancelled the student travel product? Then you must re-apply for the student travel product through Mijn DUO. Bear in mind that with a new application the student travel product will be valid again from the first of the following month. Example: on the 2nd of September you accidentally cancel the student travel product and you re-apply on the 4th of September. Then your student travel product will be valid again from the 1st of October.

  • Do I have to cancel temporary student travel product after I have used it?

    Your temporary student travel product expires automatically after seven days. That means you don’t have to cancel your temporary student travel product! (If you do cancel a temporary student travel product, you will also cancel your regular student travel product which means you have to re-apply for the student travel product at DUO).

  • How do I cancel my student travel product?

    Cancelling the student travel product must be done at a pick-up device and these are the steps

    1. Check the online service point finder and choose ‘pick-up or terminate student travel product’ to find the right device in your neighbourhood.
    2. Go to your nearest device and keep your card in front of the reader (NS-device) or insert your card in the pass entry (other devices).
    3. Choose ‘deactivate products’ (NS-device), or ‘More’ and then ‘deactivate products’ (other devices).
    4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
    5. Check the next day at Mijn DUO if cancelling the student travel product was successful. After one day there should be a cancelling date visible in Mijn DUO.

  • Is it possible to check if my student travel product was cancelled successfully?

    After cancelling the student travel product at a pick-up device you’ll receive a confirmation about the cancelation on the screen. We strongly advice you to always double-check on Mijn DUO if the cancelation was successful. Your cancalation date should be visible in Mijn DUO after 1 workday. 

  • How is it possible to cancel my student travel product in case of a stolen, lost, expired of defective card?

    Contact the OV-chipkaart Customer Service phone number: 0900-0980 (usual calling costs), they can help you further.

    Please note: you always cancel the student travel product on time. You must cancel your product before the tenth day of the month in which you are no longer entitled to use the student travel product. If you use the student travel product while you are no longer entitled to it, you will receive a fine from DUO.

  • I’ve cancled the student travel product. What should I do with my OV-chipkaart?

    If your student travel product is cancled and is no longer on your OV-chipkaart, then you can use your OV-chipkaart for other travel products.

  • I am unable to cancel my student travel product at a pick-up device. What should I do?

    Choose your situation:

    • Did you try to cancel at a pick-up device with the right options? It is not possible to cancel your product at every device. Please check with the service tool to find a device close to you.
    • If your OV-chipkaart is expired, lost or broken? Please contact our customer support center 0900-0980.
  • I have to cancel the student travel product, but I’ll continue to study. What should I do?

    Please contact DUO (050-5997755) to see if your still eligble

  • I have to cancel the student travel product, but I can't go to a pick-up device. What should I do?

    Please contact our customer support center 0900-0980 or send us a message via Twitter.