I am traveling with the student travel product

Validity per product

When do you travel for free, with a discount or at full rate?

Switch subscription

When you apply for a student travel product, you choose either a weekday subscription or a weekend subscription. If you wish to switch subscriptions later on, you can arrange this in Mijn DUO.

Replace OV-chipkaart

If your personal OV-chipkaart has expired or is lost, stolen or broken, you can apply for a new one. Do you have an OV-chip account? Than you can do this online.

Request a Temporary student travel product

Is your OV-chipkaart lost, stolen, expired or defective? Then it’s possible to apply for a temporary student travel product so you can continue traveling within one hour. You can apply for a temporary student travel product with or without DigiD.

Cancelling the student travel product

If you’re no longer entitled to the student travel product you have to cancel the travel product on time.

Submit a claim

Did your student travel product not work properly without fault of your own? Then check if you are eligible for a refund of the costs in the conditions (in Dutch).